Thursday, October 25, 2007

The 'Dumbing Down' of America

Lately I've been exposed (as I'm on vacation) to what I believe contributes to the 'dumbing down' of America: daytime television. I'm not talking about cartoons or stations that help children learn during the day when they are too young for school. I'm talking about your generic soap-operas, Judge Judy's of the world and certain gameshows.

Soap-operas, I believe, exist to bring a little drama into your life, that apparently, some people need more of. Not me.

Judge Judy shows of the world exist to belittle people. I just don't see any value-added service or idea that these provide.

Certain gameshows exist for people's want, not needs. (Hell, at least when you're watching 'Everyone Wants to be a Millionaire', you might learn something.)

Perhaps I'm just venting, perhaps it's true. I believe it is true. I've experienced parents that eventually become beaten down and need relief, and what better way than to pop on the tube? I've got an idea for you: Start a business from home, do work around the house or start a daytime book club. Contribute. Not that I am, I'm on vacation.


At 10:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I expect a completed album by the end of your vacation. Oh wait I forgot, you're just waking up when Judge Judy comes on. TskTsk.

At 11:54 AM, Blogger Jake said...


At 3:13 PM, Blogger BACM said...

You're my BFF too!


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