Luck, Scalpers and Somesuch - My View on Ticket Sales

So I set my alarm this morning to get some Tool tickets on Ticketmaster (precisely at 10:00)...
They're playing at the McFarlin Auditorium in Dallas on May 8th (yes, that small SMU auditorium). I knew the tickets would fly out the door because of such a small venue but apparently I'm not the only one that got screwed on this deal.
Needless to say I didn't get them, they sold out in probably a minute. Time to vent.
Sure, if you're a lucky enough SOB to get one or two of the tickets, you could just bump yourself to Ebay and sell them off (capitalism at its finest???). Check out the prices! I'm sorry, I'm just not one of those (spare) ticket agencies or people that could care less about the show just to pawn them off for a big profit. I'm a real fan dammit! Guess I'll just have to wait another couple months to see them on the 'real' national tour.
(listening to: Tool - Vicarious :) )
Jake, You up before 3:00 p.m. on a Saturday. Nice try but just admit you slept through ticket sales.
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