It's About Freakin' Time!

Just when I thought the Brits couldn't be more old school, they prove me wrong by banning this device from the British Open. This is genius. Kill the guy/woman at work that doesn't put their celly on vibrate.
*Includes failed smile, immaturity and irreverence*
I'm going to the Phoenix open next week and they will be frisking for cell phones as well. I'll just sneak it in my crotch along with my flask.
Be sure to put an obnoxious ringtone on, I'll give you a call.
If Tiger was playing I would make sure my ringtone was set to Dixie and went off during his backswing. I would then do my muser's impression of him. I would follow that up by asking him How is Dad was and if he was in attendence.
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