Sunday, November 04, 2007

Elementary School

I distinctly recall in middle school being asked by the school counselor along with some other people to meet in the library. We weren't sequestered because we were in trouble, we met because we all knew Stephen Hill in elementary school. Stephen had died, a victim of starvation brought upon by his parents. I didn't see any signs of trouble before. What I do know is that I didn't treat him as poor as some people did but I didn't stick up for him either. That's why I still haven't forgotten about him those many years ago, I will never forget.

I remember he was a slow learner and socially awkward but not a bad kid. He, like me, had an appetite for crackers and that's what stands out in my mind.

More than anything, I want to thank him for giving me the integrity to stand up for things that I don't feel are right, specifically, any bully I encounter, whether personally or professionally. I didn't do that for you Stephen but I would now. Thank you, RIP.


At 8:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I still remember that quite well. I felt guilty because I never stuck up for him either. One of the saddest things I remember being exposed to in middle school. His brother survived, but went to the hospital and at first was afraid to eat, because his parents had starved him and threatened him for so long.


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