Back to the Present: I'm a dork
Marty to play Doc??? Hell yeah!

Michael J. Fox is heading Back To The Future for a fourth time-traveling movie. The actor, who suffers from Parkinson's disease, admits he's in negotiations for a final film in the series - but only if they make his character as old as he is in real life. The former Spin City star wants to take over Christopher Lloyd's eccentric scientist character, Doc, in the sequel. He tells movie website, "The only way it would work would be if I played Doc. I'm 44-years-old now and I'm not interested in running around on skateboards! I think after 1, 2 and 3 we all kind of felt we had done it. And I think if they did it again now they would do it with a younger cast and just do a different realisation of it, which would be fun."
UPDATE: Not true, no BTTF4... :(
You can go back to the future too! Buy what you need here.
The only place Michael J. Fox is going is straight to hell. That sorry ass Canadian has mooched off the U.S. economy for too long. The last thing Americans should do is support another worthless Canadian. As far as his disease, it's just a publicity stunt. After he could no longer arouse audiences with his pubescent looks he felt it was necessary to fake Parkinsons. That sorry motherfucker!!!!!!!
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