Monday, December 22, 2008

Happy Holidays!

Ah yes, another glorious holiday season comes upon us, we sip a little egg nog, BACM comes in from Arizona. Catch a cold, catch some good/bad college bowl games, go shopping for gifts and feel malaise as a result of family events.

Pops turned 65 last week and we celebrated his b-day yesterday. He looks good for his age. Would be a different story if he didn't clean up his act in his early 40's and quit drinking and smoking. Guess I'll have to deal with those habits too at some point, I just don't know what I'll replace them with.

Most of the shopping is done and I got the gift I bought for myself last week, my new tv. Satellite comes in manana, can't wait. Couch Potato McGee.

Happy Holidays to you and yours.


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