Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Peter Gammons suffers brain aneurysm

The guy's only 61. No matter how much you think he bags on the Rangers, the guy is a class-act...and a baseball nerd, gotta respect that.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

I Avoid Disappointment

by pretending it didn't happen...

Just a quick comment: Does this team still consist of Michael Finley? Jacking 3's without setting up the play, hardly any lane penetration, sloppy foul calls and no transition basketball during game 5, I can keep going...

This is going to be a long off-season, go Rangers.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Game 6 and Pacino Speaks

Win or a season failure, there's really no other way to look at it. I think our boys pull it through.

Avery's Speech Tonight

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Corra! Snake! Corra! Snake!

Pure greatness with the hypotheticals of one Corby Davidson of the Ticket. You've got to have the feeling that Shaq actually likes these types of questions (listen to around the 8:45 mark).

Oh, Game 1 tonight, it's on! Mavs in 6!

My detailed (but wrong predictions):

Game 1 - Dallas win
Game 2 - Dallas win
Game 3 - Miami win (in Miami)
Game 4 - Dallas win (in Miami)
Game 5 - Heat win (in Dallas)
Game 6 - Dallas win (in Miami)

I'd like for our fans here in Dallas see us close it out but I have a weird feeling it will be in Miami.

Monday, June 05, 2006

End Times A Comin'?

Something about the whole hazmat uniform thing makes me chuckle sadistically, this even more so.

My nephew would gladly wear one of these...not