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I am insane now:
Asian Baby Sings Hey Jude - Watch more free videos
Stick to RockBand (Listen to Linkin Park much)?:
Mr. Ferrell, please give movies up for awhile and bring this guy back:
*Includes failed smile, immaturity and irreverence*
I am insane now:
Just entered my life again yesterday evening at my father's place. The item I speak of: my Andres Gallaraga baseaball card collection. I really thought I lost it years ago when my parents where still together in Ridglea Country Club Estates but back it came.
Alicia Keys shows up in an unflattering green gown, a gospel choir rips up 'their' version of The Beatles 'Let It Be', and Amy Winehouse gets New Artist of the Year, probably from a London re-hab. All signs of the apocolypse, needless to say I've turned this garbage off. Seriously, freaking garbage.
Today I checked out the website of one of my favorite cover bands (Led Zeppelin), Swansong, and it turns out their future Fort Worth dates have been cancelled, notably, several dates at Sarah's Place off of Camp Bowie Blvd. One main reason I liked Sarah's Place was its closeness to mi casa, a few rocks throws away. I'm bummed as a result. Last time, our group got introduced to the lead singer during a show there. Rob is really a good entertainer and frontman (their 4th?), sucks that I might not be seeing their show for a couple months now. Perhaps something happened at Sarah's last time (besides the stripper-esque chicks dancing to the jukebox between their sets)???