Once again I begin my tirade on what is wrong with the current state of college football, this time focusing on the Big 12 South. Everything in the sport is driven by money and its obvious:
1) The BCS System was put in play (certainly flawed, come up with a better system folks, we can,
2) Big 12, other schools play conference championships (while I'm not opposed to this, officials have even gone further as to want to add an additional game on top of this (ridiculous, unfair to certain conferences) and
3) the current idea of having Texas Tech and A&M match up every year in Dallas.
It doesn't take Einstein to guess which point I want to bring up (seeing as how I'm an A&M grad). This proposal is bad for both schools, but I submit it is even worse for A&M...
First, and most important, a Dallas game would take a home game away from each school every 2 years. While the ramifications could easier be predicted in College Station with the South Zone of Kyle Field, Jones Stadium has expanded as well, and this gives the home team an advantage any way you slice it. Advantage is important, advantage is important, without even mentioning the impact of the games to their respective economies. Local businesses lose money.
Second, it has the potential to hurt recruiting for both schools in the Metroplex. This would crate more long-term consequences, hear me out. Let us just imagine that one or both teams become sorry in the near future while keeping in mind that the OU v. TU game is also in Dallas every year. The A&M-TTU matchup becomes less important to the average fan, which could potentially trickle down to top recruits who will now decide to commit to Texas or Oklahoma. There results in Big12 parity and depending on which colored lenses you wear, there isn't much parity now.
It's really easy to see that this is all about money and if A&M's Athletic Director Bill Byrne signs off on this you'll see t-shirts like this, I guarantee you:
Game ticket: $50
Gas and lodging: $150
Chiropractic appointment from sitting in those tiny bleachers: $400
Legitimizing a false rivalry and hearing it from tu & ou: Priceless
(thanks poster on TexAgs)